Monday, June 4, 2012

Library Information Services has arranged an annual book fair on 29-30 May, 2012 at Azeem Shazad Hall. Leading Book sellers from all over the country participated in this mega event. Dr. Khan Gul Jadoon Director CIIT inaugurated the book fair, books son variety of subject were displayed  in the event.  This book exhibition has also provided an opportunity to Faculty /Students to purchase books for personal use as well as acquisition of books for Library

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A message from the books to the readers

Compiled by: Nafees Ud-Din

Dear Readers,

We, the books, welcome you this evening to have a glance at us. We are grateful to you for having spared your valuable time to enjoy our company. You have provided us with an opportunity to let us tell you what we are and what we can do for you. We request you now to grant us a patient hearing for a while.

Dear readers, we transport you back to the ages past, and the lands far off, to recreate for you the vivid and life-like scene wherein your honorable forefathers lived and helped to develop the present civilization from stature to stature, and handed down the precious casket of knowledge through us. Here, there is God’s plenty for every sort of reader. We do not disappoint anyone.

The children of today may not be getting the required attention and may fail to find true friends, but we, dear readers, if you befriend us, shall never, never, fail you; we shall not only bring you name and fame but also get you immortality.

We, very humbly, let you know that we are the masters who instruct you without the rod, without words of anger, and without bread or money. If your approach us, we are not asleep; if you seek us, we do not hide ourselves; if you blunder, we do not scold. If you are ignorant, we do not laugh at you. We are guide in the time of youth and entertainment in old age.

We are for your use. Use us sincerely, we give you company in times of weal or woe and get what you desire most. Many have done so. Why shouldn’t you? Deive deep into us and find the gems to make your life happy, peaceful and glorious.

We have only one grievance against your. Despite the sincere service that we render to you, sometimes your treatment towards us is not humane. Some of you, very cruelly tear out limbs, dog-ear us, deface us and cause us untold miseries that our souls cry out for mercy!

We once again welcome you to peep through us and return home with a happy thought that we are your never failing friends who always love readers. The time spent with us will always bring its own rewards. May it bring peace and happiness?

We are

Yours ever sincerely,

The books

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


American Physical Society

Association of Computing Machinery - ACM

Institute of Physics - IOP

Optical Society of America

Cambridge University Press

Science Online

ISI Web Of Knowledge

World Bank e-library

Electronic Books

Springer E-Books

McGraw-Hill's Access Engineering

McGraw-Hill's Access Science


Open Access Resources

Open Access e-Books

Open Access Journals

Friday, December 31, 2010

COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Library Abbottabad.



These Rules which have been framed in pursuance of Section 18 (2) (e) of CIIT Ordinance 2000, shall be called the “COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Use of Library, Regulations, 2003”.


These Rules shall come into force with immediate effect.


The use of the CIIT Library shall be open to the members of the following categories:

(a) Members of the CIIT Teaching Staff.

(b) Fellows and Research Scholars

(c) Students on the roll of the CIIT

(d) Officers of the CIIT

(e) Other employees of the of the CIIT


  1. Users are not allowed to bring their personal belongings in the library. All members are required to leave their personal belongings (Books, Files, Briefcases, Handbags, Registers etc) at the entrance of the library (Personal Belonging Shelves)
  2. Don’t write, underline or mark the library books, the library books are carefully examined on return and the borrower will be held responsible for defacing or damage to, or loss of library book(s) in his/her possession.
  3. After consultation, leave the book(s) on the reading table, which will be kept by the library staff on the exact place according to Call Number(s).
  4. Complete silence should be observed inside the library except for the brief and subdued talk with the library staff at the Circulation Desk or in any other Section of the library.
  5. Drinks, eatable, are not allowed in the library.
  6. Use of Mobile Phone and Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the library.
  7. Sleeping / hot talk /un-necessary discussion/ loud voice /disturbance / Foot on tables & chairs / Unbalanced talk, with colleagues / are not allowed in the library.
  8. Students are entitled to check out books (Excluding Text Reference books and General Reference books) for a period of one month as following: i. Undergraduate students – two books ii.Graduate students three books
  9. Faculty and staff are entitled to check out books (Excluding Text Reference books and General Reference books) for a period of one semester as following: i. Professors/Deans/Consultants/Associate Professors 10 books
  10. ii.Assistant Professors 5 books iii. Research Associates/Teaching Assistants 3 books iv. Staff 2 books (Leisure

Reading for

one month)

  1. The borrowed books will be renewed for a further period of one month, if the desired book/books has/have not been reserved for another user. Overdue books will not be reissued.
  2. Current issues of Annual Reports, Pamphlets, Periodicals, Newspapers and A/V materials, CDs, Diskettes can not be checked out. Such material is for consultation in the library premises.
  3. The unwanted book(s) may be returned to the library for use by some other reader.
  4. If you accidentally mislay a book and cannot find it after thorough search, report the matter to the Circulation Desk immediately to avoid the undue fine.
  5. Mutilation of library material is a matter of disciplinary action, however books accidentally damaged should be reported promptly so that suitable assessment may be made and damages paid.
  6. In case a book is urgently required, the In-Charge of the library may recall it at short notice any time and such a book shall be returned immediately by the borrower.
  7. If a library ticket is lost or damaged, Rs.50.00 will be charged for a new library ticket.

The violation of library lending rules may result as under:


General and Textbooks will be issued to students for a period of one month. A fine of Rs.5/- per book, per day (starting after the close of library on due date) will be charged for later returns.


In case of lost of book(s) three times the market price of the lost book be charged, or out of print titles the amount equal to three times the original purchase price of the book(s) will be charged.

While using the following services, please consult the Circulation Desk for assistance:

1.OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)

2.Audio/Visual Materials, CDs, Diskettes

3.Multi-media library


1. The authorities reserve the rights to deduct the total cost of the damaged or lost material from the “Security Deposits” of the students. The borrowers will not be able to borrow any library material until the library repurchases the lost or damaged material, or receives written information, from the Accounts Department of the CIIT, that the required cost is recovered from the borrower.

  1. The In-Charge of the library has the authority to immediately stop issuance or discontinue the Reading Rooms’ facility for the defaulters.

Nafees Ud-Din

Deputy Librarian

Library Information Services